Beat A2 (Home Pool) is one of the pools that change quite a bit from year-to-year.

Over the last few seasons, the Home Pool has been improving, again fishing like it did in the “old times”. In general, Home Pool can be fished in all water levels. It is one of the pools that fishes well, even in very high water and after a flood Beats A1 and A2, are often the first pools that fish well again. We do fish this Beat from both banks.


A2: Home Pool Instructions

Fishing in High Water Levels (above 115 m³):

In higher water levels, above 115 m³ at Gaulfossen, the middle and lower parts of the pool fish the best. In higher levels the fish can hold close to the right bank of the river so it’s worth it to let the fly swing completely in. The pool is not that deep so one should fish medium heavy sinking lines. The water in the middle of the river is pretty fast so it is important that straight after your cast you are doing an upstream mend to get the fly down so it will swing more slowly. In high water levels use big and colorful flies such as a Green Highlander, Black & Orange, or a big black fly. You can fish the pool to the very end, wade as far as you feel comfortable or until reaching the lower border sign (behind you in the trees there will be a border sign for the next fishery). Even in extremely high water (above 300m³ at Gaulfossen) this pool is worth a try!

In Medium Water Levels (115m³ down to 60m³):

This Pool fishes well through its entire length in medium water levels. It is often that this pool is overlooked and is not fished as hard because our fishermen usually concentrate on other beats. But sometimes the beat produces good fishing, especially when a new run of fish is coming into the river, and it is an excellent place to come in contact with fresh fish! In medium water levels one can begin fishing at the very top (just below the little islands that are now showing clearly at the top of the beat). It depends on the time of the season and water temperature on how deep you should try to fish; anywhere from a floating line with a Polyleader to a medium sinking line can be a good choice. Fish the pool all the way through down to the lower boarder, there is no certain place where fish tend to take, it can happen anywhere. Normally fish will show in this pool, that is a good sign that you are in the right palce at the right time.

In Low Water Levels (below 60m³):

In lower levels the very top is quite interesting, just below the island the pool has created a deep hole in the past few years that usually holds a few fish. Fishing the pool all the way through with a floating line or a floating line with a sink tip can be successful. When new fish are coming in after a rain shower it can be a very good place to hook up with fresh fish!

A2: Home Pool
A2: Home Pool
A view of Maela Rock
A view of Maela Rock
Home Pool in Low Water
Home Pool in Low Water